DevLog 01: Embarking on the Pirate Ship Game: Navigating Uncharted Prototyping Waters

Ahoy, fellow adventurers! Welcome to our Pirate Game page. We’re thrilled to share our project with you and hope it captures your interest as much as it has ours. In this inaugural post, we’ll introduce our team, delve into the core concept of our game, and give you a glimpse of our progress so far.

The Pirate Ship Game:

Our game will thrust up to four players into a pirate crew, where cooperation is the compass guiding their every move. Here’s a glimpse of what awaits them:

    Enemy Pirates: These salty scoundrels want nothing more than to send the player's ship to Davy Jones’ locker. Players must man the cannons, fire broadsides, and outwit their adversaries. Victory means survival; defeat means a watery grave.

    The Kraken: Tentacles breach the surface, threatening to drag our ship into the abyss. While the Kraken itself is invincible, players can fend off its limbs. Swords clash against slimy appendages, buying precious moments to steer away.

    Incoming Debris: Barrels, rocks, and treacherous shoals appear like ghosts in the mist. The ship’s helm must be manned, deftly avoiding collision. One wrong move, and the hull splinters.

The Quest for Infamy

Our game isn’t about ultimate victory; it’s about infamy. Players accumulate points as they survive, fight, and repair. The more notorious their crew becomes, the higher they climb on the leaderboard. But beware—the game ends not with a triumphant fanfare, but with a solemn “Game Over.” How far can your crew sail before fate catches up?

And what about the crew?

Lander and Luiz - The Artistic Corsairs

Our dynamic duo of technical artists, breathe life into our pirate-infested world. Their strokes create weathered ship planks, while their shaders weave moonlit nights and stormy seas.

Maurice and Rupert - The Code-Wielding Buccaneers

Our programming pirates, navigate the treacherous code seas. Their sturdy code keeps the ship afloat, ensuring smooth sailing even during the fiercest battles.

Unity Water Shaders!

Last week was entirely focused on preparing for our first prototype. Our artists delved into shaders, while our programmers began translating ideas into code.

During our Unity introduction, we realized that three of our team members were not familiar with Unity. To make a more informed decision between game engines, we decided to familiarize ourselves with this unfamiliar territory.

Given that a water shader is essential for our game, our tech artists used this necessity as an opportunity to explore Unity. Here’s what they came up with:

Shader overview

Shader working in a game scene test. Ship model by niktonigde ( and Kraken model by lawtrigg (

Rendering pipelines

While we haven’t finalized our engine choice (whether Unreal or Unity), our game concept leans toward forward rendering. Our builds validate this preference, especially considering our UI predominantly features semi-transparent water materials. Notably, the deferred renderer faces challenges with such materials, whereas the forward renderer adeptly handles them. Additionally, given our reliance on a single directional light, the forward renderer performs exceptionally well.

And last but not least: Code!

Maurice and Rupert worked on a couple of issues: First, they’ve created their initial Unity project, setting up the foundational structure and organizing assets. Second, As our game does not have an end per se, they’re developing a system for infinite map generation. Third, they’re fine-tuning shader-code communication, bridging visual aesthetics with functionality. Fourth, they’re implementing boat movement mechanics, crucial for our game’s central element. Lastly, they’re configuring Xbox controller input, aiming for intuitive and seamless player interactions. These efforts collectively shape our game’s foundation and enhance the overall experience.

Hopefully, we will soon have some interactivity to show off!

Files 595 MB
Mar 07, 2024

Get Chaos in Sight

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