DevLog 09: Hoist the Colors! "Chaos in Sight" enters Pre-Release Phase

We are thrilled to announce that our game, "Chaos in Sight" has reached the pre-release stage! We'll spend the next week on final polishing before it officially launches.

Take a look at the current state of the game:

During this final sprint, we made a few more visual upgrades to the ship.

We also have a bunch of particles livening up our deck:

Enemy pirates also have brand new guns to attempt to sink our brave crew:

A lot of chaos awaits with the finished bomber event:

In this final sprint phase, our developers have wrapped up most of the code, focusing on finalizing UI interactions and polishing gameplay elements. Advancements include integrating input controls within the user interface and setting up all UI elements.

Gameplay dynamics were enhanced by introducing event difficulties that scale with the player's score, maintaining an appropriate and engaging challenge level. The event manager was reworked to ensure smoother event handling, and the addition of particles has added a visual flair to the game.

The newly implemented mortar has been integrated into the exciting Pirate Ship Event. We also added camera transitions for a better visual experience when bombers are below the boat. The audio atmosphere was enhanced with new sounds throughout the game. In the lobby, players can now turn around, improving clarity and pre-game setup. Finaly, we introduced a dynamic score system and new interactables and pickups like the Water Bucket to put out fires caused by enemy attacks.

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38 days ago

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