DevLog 04: Beginning anew from an empty deck

Last week, our prototype presented the fundamental concepts of our upcoming game. Armed with feedback and lessons learned during development, we mark the transition from the prototype phase to a fresh project that will eventually become our final release.

In the art side of things we have two updates: A new pirate character and a modified ship:

By photobashing a couple of AI generated images we came up with two interesting results:

We opted for the left option, and this is how are new model looks like:

In the next few weeks we will be adding bones and life to our new awesome character!

For more visuals how about a more "girthy" boat? During playtesting of our prototype, we observed that things were a bit too cramped, leaving players with little room to maneuver. To address this, we increased the size of the boat:

On the dev side of things, our programmers commenced work on the game's initiation and the main game loop's structure. They established the foundational architecture of the game manager and introduced the PlayerInputs class, enhancing the efficiency of player input handling while improving code readability and maintenance.

Furthermore, they overhauled the interaction system, transcending the limitations of the prototype. The new Interactable system intelligently organizes available interactions within the player's proximity, utilizing a strategic raycast mechanism. This automation streamlines interactions and facilitates easy adaptation through subclassing.

Moreover, emphasis was placed on refining player movement mechanics with the creation of the PlayerMovement class. Drawing insights from research, they laid the groundwork for fluid movement mechanics, aiming to enhance the overall gameplay experience.

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86 days ago

Get Chaos in Sight

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