DevLog 03: Mapping the sailing course: Prototyping our venture

Planning out the future:
Past week we focused on creating the documents to achieve a smooth sailing throughout our production sprints. These documents describe the look, mechanics and tech information to work on the game. For this we created several documents.

Our team used the Hack'n'Plan game design model to describe every part of the game within detail. This design model consist out of design elements, every element was divided in different tasks that will be used in our planning for the production sprints.

The tech document consist of technical information that is needed to work on this game. It defines the different workflows and guarantees a coherent workflow within the team.

The art bible is the key towards a good and universal style within our game. The artists worked this part out to create a visual appealing and interesting game.

The artist put their focus for past week into working out the design documents. This way the programmers could focus on working out the prototype as much as possible.

For the rest the artists put the focus on creating a state of the art art bible that will be a stable foundation for the art design within the upcoming production stage.

Art Bible: Photobash of the main menu screen

Past week the developers focused on designing a good and fun prototype that would prove the possibilities of this project. For this prototype we worked on some specific mechanics:

Player respawn:
"Man overboard!" No worries the player will just respawn in a few seconds.

Enemy pirate event:
During the game an enemy pirate ship can spawn and try to attack our game. This pirate ship will try to take down our ship by shooting cannonballs towards the players ship. Try to sink the enemy ship by shooting them with your own cannons and repair the damage that they deal out to your ship.

Kraken event:
Out of the deep ocean a kraken will come up and try to attack the ship. Try to survive this kraken event and prevent that the kraken takes down the ship to the deep seas.

Players can steer the ship by interacting with the wheel of the ship. This way they dan dodge the debris on the ship and prevent damage to the ship.

Ship repairing:
Players can repair the ship by interacting with the orange repair orbs on the ship. For every orb a specific amount of health will be added back to the ship.

Game over:
"Game Over!" the ship and everything on it will sink to the bottom of the ocean.

This devlog concludes the end of our prototyping stage for this project. Next week we hope to come back with a great foundation for our first production sprint. Hope to see you then!

Files 34 MB
Mar 21, 2024

Get Chaos in Sight

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